Saturday, August 21, 2010

Man Cub Update

The Man Cub continues to feel super-yucky. We're cancelling our morning trip, and in fact, they took him to the hospital tonight. Part of the problem is that he simply won't drink enough fluids, so his body is continuing to cramp and the medicine isn't working very fast. He has a viral infection and is already on all kinds of medicine.

He was so sad when we left him even for a few hours (to go to the spa) that Raja is concerned about leaving town at all. However, he has to go to Bangalore for business, so he and I may just go for overnight Tues-Weds. I really want to go, seeing as I may be living there some day, and I'd like to check it out just a little. Of course, taking care of the kids always comes first. That's the way it should be.

Still, I think that tomorrow Raja and I will sneak out for an hour or two and go to the temple. First to pray for the Man Cub, and second, because it's our one-year anniversary, and I want to ask Sri Krishna's blessings.

So, if you have some good thoughts to send, send them this way so that we all get/remain healthy and get done what we need to do!

In turn, I hope the same for you. I'll write more tomorrow.

Until then, be good.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping that the MC gets hydrated and well quickly. Dehydration can make you feel absolutely awful.

    Happy anniversary. May Sri Krishna bless all that you do.
