Friday, September 3, 2010

Photo Posts

I have so many photos to post! I'll try to do this in a few installments. I'll only be able to post some of the bazillion pictures I snapped, of course, but I'll be sure to bore you with many more later, in person.

Some chaat at the mall

I didn't know they made diet water. How is it different than regular water?

At the housewares store. This may be my favorite photo I took while in India.

Rows of suit fabrics at Pothys. Imagine six floors of this.
 I swear, no two outfits in India are alike (well, that's not true, but it seems like it.)

Yummy, yummy, yummy!
Delivering copy paper is sure different in Chennai!

A very posh handicrafts shop, selling organic textiles, among other things.

I'll post pics from the Theosophical Society next.

1 comment:

  1. That housewares store photo could be from National Geographic. Great shot!

    All your pictures of food make me drool.
